
Privacy policy

Who is ONE WEB?

Wartenbergh Engineering Bureau BV. (ONE WEB), is a business services provider that provides support and consultancy in Industrial Engineering, Product Development, and Software Engineering for the high-tech industry. ONE WEB ensures careful handling of personal data and data protection when providing its services very seriously. Naturally, ONE WEB complies with the applicable laws and regulations. ONE WEB is responsible for processing personal data, as described in this privacy statement.

This privacy statement applies to current and future candidates, employees, representatives of business relationships, and users of the ONE WEB website. This privacy statement explains what personal data is, which data ONE WEB processes, for what purpose, and how this is done. It also explains the data subjects' rights and how these can be exercised.

What is personal data?

Personal data means all information about an identified or identifiable natural person, such as contact details, curricula vitae ('CV'), cover letters, and online identifiers. Sensitive personal data include, for example, data on racial or ethnic origin, criminal record, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, and information concerning the state of health or sexual behavior.

Which data does ONE WEB process and for what purpose?

ONE WEB processes personal data for various purposes. For example, ONE WEB processes personal data when searching for candidates and within the context of concluding (employment) agreements. Sometimes ONE WEB is legally obliged to process certain personal data and at other times, ONE WEB processes personal data based on either its legitimate interest or the legitimate interest of another party, such as a client.

In principle, ONE WEB does not process sensitive personal data, unless this is necessary, e.g. in case it has to process data from medical examinations for specific functions, and if there is a legal basis for ONE WEB to do so.

This privacy statement concludes with an overview of the processing purposes and the types of personal data to be processed for those purposes.

When does ONE WEB share personal data?

Sharing within ONE WEB

ONE WEB only shares personal data within the ONE WEB group with employees authorized to access this data. All employees are subject to confidentiality.

Sharing with clients

ONE WEB shares the personal data of candidates and employees with clients. When proposing candidates and employees to (potential) clients, ONE WEB uses a ONE WEB CV compiled by ONE WEB's employees based on job application data of data subjects.

Sharing with processors

ONE WEB uses processors that process personal data for ONE WEB. ONE WEB concludes processing agreements with all processors of personal data. ONE WEB assesses the security measures and compliance with the privacy regulations in advance and monitors this as well as compliance with concluded processing arrangements regularly.

Sharing with other responsible parties

ONE WEB only discloses personal data at the request of the police and the authorities if there is a legal obligation to do so.

How long does ONE WEB retain personal data?

ONE WEB does not retain personal data for longer than is necessary for the fulfillment of its purposes. In some cases, ONE WEB is obliged to retain personal data for a longer period, for example, because of tax obligations.

After the expiration of the retention period, or following successful deletion requests from data subjects, ONE WEB deletes the personal data from its systems.

For the two situations below ONE WEB applies the following retention periods:

  • Recruitment via external sources: up to 28 days after candidates have been found by ONE WEB, ONE WEB will contact the candidates to express its interest in them
  • Personal data of candidates who do not currently work for and have not worked in the past for ONE WEB, but who have expressed their interest in ONE WEB: 2 years after the entry date of the personal data in ONE WEB's record-keeping system.

What rights do data subjects have?

ONE WEB respects the rights of data subjects concerning their data. Some rights can be exercised at all times; other rights can be exercised under certain conditions only.

For example, ONE WEB cannot grant the request of a data subject to delete its data if there is a legal obligation to retain that personal data for a certain period. Data subjects can exercise the following rights:

  • Withdrawal of consent given for processing personal data
  • Access to personal data
  • Correction of inaccurate personal data
  • Deletion of personal data if ONE WEB no longer needs it
  • Objection to the processing of personal data based on a legitimate interest of ONE WEB or another controller, if data subjects have major interests for making such an objection
  • Restriction on the processing of personal data in cases determined by law
  • Data transfer of own personal data provided to ONE WEB in cases determined by law
  • Lodging complaints with the national supervisory authority about the processing of personal data

The aforementioned rights can only be exercised in respect of the personal data of the data subject. Data subjects are not allowed to exercise these rights in respect of the personal data of others. ONE WEB may request data subjects to provide additional identification in this regard.

Some of the aforementioned rights can be exercised by the data subjects via My ONE WEB Data subjects can also contact ONE WEB's Data Protection Officer via or via +31 40 2180558. Further, the DPO can be contacted concerning complaints about the processing of personal data.

How does ONE WEB protect personal data?

ONE WEB takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the privacy of the data subjects and the confidentiality of their data.

ONE WEB's infrastructure is constantly monitored. Threats or attacks can be detected at an early stage and action can then be taken. ONE WEB has policies and procedures in place for the timely reporting of data breaches. Also, ONE WEB's infrastructure is scanned for viruses, malicious software and break-in attempts. ONE WEB arranges for regular checks on its infrastructure and security processes by independent auditors. ONE WEB sends personal data via a secure internet connection (TLS), identified by "https" and the padlock symbol in the browser's address bar.

ONE WEB has also safeguarded within its systems that not everyone within the organization has access to personal data. Access is restricted to ONE WEB employees for whom the processing of personal data is necessary in the performance of their duties. Data subjects can contribute to the protection of their data by, for example:

  • securing the My ONE WEB account with a strong password
  • being careful when disclosing personal data if the data subject responds to jobs and messages posted on social media by ONE WEB. The information that is posted here may be public.

What are cookies and other similar technical data?

A cookie is a small file that is stored on the data subject's computer. These cookies can be recognized during subsequent visits to the website. Read more about this in ONE WEB's cookie policy.

Apart from cookies, ONE WEB uses other technical data on its websites, such as web statistics to register the use of its websites and visitor's behavior. This helps ONE WEB to optimize its services.

How to contact ONE WEB?

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, please contact the ONE WEB head office in Eindhoven using the following contact details:

WEB Eindhoven

Beemdstraat 1

5653 MA Eindhoven

The Netherlands

+31 40 2180558

ONE WEB's Data Protection Officer can be reached on telephone number +31 40 2180558 or via email:

Notification of a (possible) security breach

In the event of a (possible) breach of personal data security, data subjects are requested to inform ONE WEB as soon as possible via stating 'Data leak' in the email's subject line.

Amendments to Privacy Statement

ONE WEB is entitled to amend this privacy statement. Changes will be published in a pop-up on the website. This privacy statement was last updated on the 30th of October 2019.

Overview of the purposes of processing and the types of personal data processed using ONE WEB's website(s)

Purpose of processing:

  • To respond online to vacancies
  • To create a job alert
  • To improve the services that ONE WEB provides

Personal data processed:

  • Responding online: first name, surname, email address
  • Job alerts: email address, search criteria for the desired vacancy
  • Improving the services: cookies and similar technical data that are strictly necessary and/or voluntarily agreed to, as described in the cookie policy
  • Personal data voluntarily provided by data subjects on ONE WEB’s social media, such as comments to posts and advertisements and private messages via the social media platform
  • In the context of recruitment

Purpose of processing:

  • To provide training sessions, exhibitions and in-house days
  • To assess CVs or professional social media profiles at the request of data subjects
  • To search for and approach potential candidates at ONE WEB's initiative

Personal data processed:

  • Providing training sessions, exhibitions and in-house days: first name, surname, email address, CV
  • Assessing of CVs, profile
  • Searching for and approaching: contact details, link to social media profile and messages that are sent to ONE WEB
  • Social media and job boards

Purpose of processing:

  • To generate interest in ONE WEB
  • To enable data subjects to respond online
  • To respond to questions from data subjects

Personal data processed:

  • Online response: contact details, vacancies, and comments of the data subjects
  • ONE WEB's response to questions from data subjects: contact details and vacancy/comments from data subjects
  • Events and newsletters

Purpose of processing:

  • To organize events and activities to encourage the involvement in ONE WEB of candidates, employees, representatives of business relationships and users of the websites of ONE WEB
  • To exchange knowledge and interesting topics with data subjects

Personal data processed

  • To organize events and activities: contact details, interests, personal data necessary for providing transport and dietary requirements
  • Newsletters: email address
  • Recording the progress of the application procedure: first name, surname, email address, telephone number, and the vacancies to which the data subjects responded
  • Recording the application history of the data subjects: name of the vacancy, date and the data that the data subject has provided for that application

Applications to ONE WEB

Purpose of processing:

  • To assess the suitability and availability of a candidate for a vacancy
  • To create and share a data subject's CV with clients based on the ONE WEB format
  • To select candidates for vacancies available with ONE WEB and its clients
  • To create digital files of data subjects
  • To ensure the satisfaction of data subjects with the application procedures using satisfaction surveys
  • To be able to carry out pre-employment screening
  • To be able to carry out pre-employment assessments

Personal data processed:

  • Personal data: first name, surname, date of birth, gender, nationality
  • Contact details: address, email address, telephone number
  • Education and skills: education, training courses, diplomas, certificates, marks, expertise, language skills, membership of professional associations
  • Work history: previous and current employers, functions and experience
  • Social media information: link to social media profiles of the data subjects
  • Application details: CV, cover letter, vacancy, preferred number of hours, transport preferences, possession of a driving license
  • Additional person data provided to ONE WEB by the data subjects, such as a photograph
  • Notes from ONE WEB employees
  • Assessment of the suitability and availability: education, experience, function and budget-related criteria

For creating and sharing a data subject's CV with clients based on the ONE WEB CV format:

  • First name, surname, date of birth, place of residence, gender, nationality, profile, relevant training and courses, work experience, languages, and software knowledge
  • Selection of candidates: education, experience, skills, references, function and budget-related criteria
  • Digital file: CVs and other documents, such as diplomas, certificates, results of any aptitude tests, interview and/or meeting notes, notes and progress report of applications/mediation
  • Satisfaction survey: mobile phone number and/or email address
  • Pre-employment screenings: relevant diplomas, references from previous employer(s), declarations of integrity, certificates of good conduct, outside activities, statements private investments, credit checks and (bankers) oaths or vows
  • Pre-employment assessment: contact details of the data subject, assessment report
  • In the context of employment agreements or contracts for services

Purpose of processing:

  • To register personal data required for compliance with laws and regulations
  • To perform employment contracts
  • To be able to facilitate working in-country or abroad

Personal data processed

  • To create a personnel file: personal data that needs to be processed on the basis of, for example, labor legislation, and tax and social security legislation, such as a copy of identity documents or passports, visas, work permits, citizen service numbers and documents necessary for ONE WEB's administration such as contact details and diplomas
  • Employment screening data: certificates of good conduct, references, declarations of integrity and confidentiality, secondary functions, credit checks, (bankers) oaths or vows and certifications
  • Employment test data: contact details, assessment reports
  • Financial information: bank account numbers, salary, rates of independent entrepreneurs
  • Other information related to preparing the personnel, salary and absenteeism records, such as availability, registration number of the company car
  • Working in-country or abroad: personal data necessary, for example, for providing transport, work permits and visas, taxes, housing and education, and civil service numbers

Concerning other internal purposes

Purpose of processing:

  • To achieve and maintain quality standards and certifications
  • To apply for government grants, premium discounts, etc.
  • To generate management information
  • To provide internal controls
  • To ensure operational safety
  • To enable audits to take place

Concerning the processing of personal data for these other internal purposes of ONE WEB, the starting point is that the use of directly identifiable information is limited to the minimum

Use of contact forms for potential clients

Purpose of processing:

  • To acquire new clients
  • To gain insight into the demand for labor in the market
  • To be able to offer new services to clients
  • To make offers and/or to provide information about ONE WEB's services and other activities

Personal data processed:

  • Acquisition: contact details of representatives of new clients, information about the sector in which the client operates, open vacancies and preferred profiles
  • Insight in the demand for labor: information about the relevant sector, nature of outstanding vacancies and preferred profiles
  • Offering services: contact details of representatives of potential clients, information about the sector in which the client operates
  • Offering/providing information about services: contact details of representatives of potential new clients, information about the sector in which clients operate
  • Establishing and maintaining business relationships with suppliers

Purpose of processing:

  • To conclude and implement agreements and/or to have them implemented
  • To receive offers and information about the services of suppliers

Personal data processed:

  • Concluding and implementing agreements: contact details of representatives of business relationships: name, email address and telephone number
  • Receiving offers and information: contact details of representatives of business relationships: name, email address, telephone number

Questions? Contact us

We are here to support you whenever and wherever needed. We're just a message away from solving your queries.