Driven by innovation. Powered by engineers.

The engineering powerhouse.

WEB believes in the power of engineering potential. We provide engineering services by delivering knowledge and capacity to our customers and executing in-house projects. By connecting engineers from all over the world to challenging assignments, we assist leading technology companies in accelerating their innovations.

For professionals

Unlock your potential with assignments with leading tech companies

Challenge yourself alongside the best engineers

Take the lead in your growth and development

For customers

Quality capacity and consultancy-based solutions

Specialists in high-tech engineering and more

Fast placements with extensive market knowledge

Our customers

Areas of expertises

Areas of expertise

We offer outsourcing solutions alongside innovative projects across diverse sectors. Specializing in industrial engineering encompassing automotive, electrical, mechanical, project design, and software, we extend our expertise to the Chemical & Life sciences as well as IT & IT Business design.


WEB Community

Our mission is to help leading technology companies to accelerate innovation. We help leading technology companies accelerate innovation by providing engineering knowledge and solutions in various expertise areas in the form of human capital. With the right mindset and can-do mentality, we help develop, grow, and unfold in a web of local WEBs in tech-driven ecosystems around the world.

Join the WEB community

350+ employees

With personal guidance, our employees are not just a number.

250+ successful relocations

With top-notch relocation processes, we assist our employees in settling down.

42+ nationalities and counting

From Brazil to Poland, to Mexico, South Africa, and Portugal, we work with professionals across the globe.

Join the WEB community
Join the WEB community

Speak to a recruiter

If you would like to join the WEB community, contact one of our recruiters for more information.

Mike Koopmanschap
Find your business solutions

Speak to a business manager

For specific outsourcing inquiries or projects, contact one of our business managers.

Driven by innovation. Powered by engineers.

WEB Stories

Meet some of our WEB'ers. Read more about their journey of joining WEB, from integrating into a new country to exploring different roles within WEB.

Nikolaos Liapouris
Nikolaos Liapouris
Production Engineer

“The feeling you get at the WEB office from your colleagues is different too, they are nice and friendly. I’ve often come for Friday drinks and it’s nice to meet people from different countries and share your experiences. I think it also helps people who come from abroad to integrate with the community.”

Mafalda Couto
Mafalda Couto
Junior Project Lead

“I wanted to grow in my team and position. The PL role gave me more of a challenge, learning about how to manage people and the work. It was great that WEB listened to me when I said I needed more challenge, they took action and helped me prepare for the role. We have a solid team and we have good processes to complete the work. I am really glad with the team and the client is also happy.”

Mike Koopmanschap
Mike Koopmanschap

Mike Koopmanschap

​Iliana Kakava
​Iliana Kakava

​Iliana Kakava

Tijmen Kregting

Tijmen Kregting

Eleftheria Kritsotaki
Eleftheria Kritsotaki

Eleftheria Kritsotaki

Els Baselmans
Els Baselmans

Els Baselmans

Elisabetta Santopolo
Elisabetta Santopolo

Elisabetta Santopolo

Frank de Pas
Frank van de Pas

Frank van de Pas

Ruud Meeuws
Ruud Meeuws

Ruud Meeuws

Daniela Gomes
Daniela Gomes

Daniela Gomes

Lars Yardim
Lars Yardim

Lars Yardim

Janneke van Hoesel

Janneke van Hoesel

Paulo Torres
Paulo Torres

Paulo Torres

Maaike Dekkers
Maaike Dekkers

Maaike Dekkers

Maarten de Kok
Maarten de Kok

Maarten de Kok

Sven Gordijn
Sven Gordijn

Sven Gordijn

Tom Teunisse
Tom Teunisse

Tom Teunisse

Kaat Van Hemelrijk
Kaat Van Hemelrijk

Kaat Van Hemelrijk

Sjors Wartenbergh
Sjors Wartenbergh

Sjors Wartenbergh

Stephanie Aerts
Stephanie Aerts

Stephanie Aerts

Wilbert van Baren

Wilbert van Baren

Elvira Lundström
Elvira Lundström

Elvira Lundström

Danny Thönissen
Danny Thönissen

Danny Thönissen

Sofie Morel

Sofie Morel

Loesje Huijbregts
Loesje Huijbregts

Loesje Huijbregts

Selina van Schaik
Selina van Schaik

Selina van Schaik

Dennis Raaijmakers
Dennis Raaijmakers

Dennis Raaijmakers

Martijn Meens
Martijn Meens

Martijn Meens

Sylvana van Werde
Sylvana van Werde

Sylvana van Werde

Kirsten Peters
Kirsten Peters

Kirsten Peters

Mark Smeets
Mark Smeets

Mark Smeets

Selena Beks
Selena Beks

Selena Beks

Casper van Doornen
Casper van Doornen

Casper van Doornen

Eveline van Merrienboer
Eveline van Merriënboer

Eveline van Merriënboer

Bianka Gohl
Bianka Gohl

Bianka Gohl

Yael Lubbers
Yael Lubbers

Yael Lubbers

Rob van de Plas
Rob van de Plas

Rob van de Plas

Fleur van Dodewaard

Fleur van Dodewaard

TIjs Veraart
Tijs Veraart

Tijs Veraart

Sofia Carvalho
Sofia Carvalho

Sofia Carvalho

Natasha Devit
Natasha Devit

Natasha Devit

Cases studies

Discover our cases studies

From solving complex pieces on either a project base or a consultancy base, our team of experts ensures that we deliver the best quality solutions that fulfill your needs. Read more about the various projects our employees have contributed to.


Customer testimonials

Find out how 100+ companies experience our services. From the Brainport region in Eindhoven, to small and medium enterprises to large corporations.

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Knowledge bank

Curious to know more? For more information, you can visit our knowledge bank. You will find many useful topics that can shed some light on for example the relocation process, living in the Netherlands, and much more.


Exploring Recruitment Agencies in the Netherlands: Here’s what you can expect

Find out what you can expect from working with recruiters in the Netherlands.

Blog Author

What’s happening in the automotive world?

Read more on the latest trends and developments within the automotive sector.

Blog Author

Moving to the Netherlands: everything you need to know for a soft landing

From arranging your Visa requirements, finding the right housing options or purchasing your rain gear, find out what you need for a soft landing in the Netherlands.

Blog Author

Navigating the war on talent: challenges in the recruitment world

Find out which trends and developments are shaping the recruitment world.

Blog Author
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Eliminating concerns for candidates and customers

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