Nikolaos Liapouris
Nikolaos Liapouris
Production Engineer

“The feeling you get at the WEB office from your colleagues is different too, they are nice and friendly. I’ve often come for Friday drinks and it’s nice to meet people from different countries and share your experiences. I think it also helps people who come from abroad to integrate with the community.”

Mafalda Couto
Mafalda Couto
Junior Project Lead

“I wanted to grow in my team and position. The PL role gave me more of a challenge, learning about how to manage people and the work. It was great that WEB listened to me when I said I needed more challenge, they took action and helped me prepare for the role. We have a solid team and we have good processes to complete the work. I am really glad with the team and the client is also happy.”

Amba Harty
Amba Harty
Junior Industrial Engineer

“Although women are working in STEM industries, it’s still not where it should be. In my previous role, sometimes you could sense this judgment. Sometimes you weren’t listened to or acknowledged for your ideas. Not all companies are like that, but after that experience, diversity became one of the topics I would question during my interviews. During my interviews at WEB, it was cool to see a woman in a higher-up position. It’s a completely international company and to see WEB’s inclusion of different cultures, and races, is fantastic.”

Herve Kolony
Herve Kolony
Team Lead

“My highlight is serving as a role model and team leader, where I share my knowledge with team members while helping solve client problems. While I enjoy diving hands-on myself, I find fulfillment in training and guiding others, making a positive impact on their growth and motivation. I’m grateful for the opportunity to make a difference and contribute meaningfully to our team and clients.”

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Ivano Sammarco
Industrial Engineer

“Recently I also had the opportunity to go to Germany for testing a part. I made a contribution in the design phase and because the idea was mine, the client wanted me to go to Germany to test it out. The experience was very nice, but I was even more happy about the trust that was given to me. That is also another thing that makes me proud and happy because I think being rewarded for the work you do is important; it gives you the motivation to go further.”

Veronica Schmitter
Technical Author

“My team was very supportive, working with them was very smooth and it went really well. They gave me the support that I needed. The first two months were mainly doing training and getting familiar with the software, but I think it went well for me. With all the industrial engineers and technical authors, it’s been a very supportive environment.”

Kobe Geerts
Team Lead

“That constant drive to make things better is one of the strongest points we have within WEB. You can throw things on the table and they’ll think with you.”

Tiago Ferreira
Team Lead

“The initial push was that I was a drop in the ocean in my previous job, now I could make a difference and try to build something.”

Javier Prieto
Civil Engineer

“WEB Eindhoven offered me the opportunity to be part of the high-tech industry while being in a friendly and caring environment. Since the beginning, I felt I was not alone even through I came to NL on my own, thanks to WEB.”

Ronja Hess
Electrical Engineer

“I think everyone is willing to help and listen and I feel respected. Even if you don’t need any help but just need someone to listen, I think you really get that here at WEB.”

Federico & Arianna
Automotive Engineer

“While remaining friendly, WEB team also had a very professional approach with us: since the beginning, they have stood alongside us through the evaluation of what our plans and desires for the future are and, at the end of the day, thanks to the team we had the great opportunity to find positions that perfectly suit us.”