Hi, I’m Khaila, and I form part of the Software Team at WEB Eindhoven as an in-house recruiter. I seek and identify skilled and talented software engineers from around the world who are eager for an exciting challenge and connect them to our high-tech clients here, in the silicon valley of Europe. I like to focus on each engineer individually, paying extra attention to their unique expertise, needs and aspirations. This is to ensure the best and most exciting match with one of our many high-tech clients. Ultimately, I aim to help our engineers achieve their career goals and level up their expertise through the innovative experience they’ll gain with WEB.Having moved here from South Africa with my very own software engineer of a husband has allowed me to step into the shoes of all of our engineers who choose to make the life-changing decision to move abroad and grab hold of this great new adventure! This has allowed me to better understand the complexities of such a decision and what the process requires. I also feel more empowered to better support my candidates throughout this journey. I look forward to working with you soon!

Khaila Verburgh

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