WEB stories
Federico & Arianna
Automotive Engineer

Tell us a little bit about yourself

We are Arianna and Federico, both 28 years old and Automotive Engineers from Italy. We were colleagues in Politecnico di Torino, but we actually met in Varigotti – a very small village at the seaside and our favorite place – in August 2021. We got our Master degree together and made our first job experience in Stellantis as a Design Release Engineer (Arianna) and Engine Calibration Engineer (Federico).

Since the moment we met, we have been inseparable: we love spending our time together, playing video games, building LEGO technics, or discussing current events and politics. The thing that binds us together the most is the strong sense of morality and the desire to be a good person – apart, of course, for the love for Lamborghini.

Where are your roots?

We both come from Turin, in the north of Italy, the city of Juventus football team and Fiat. Our city is called “the little Paris” for its characteristic streets, squares, and historical cafes and might be worth a visit for someone willing to spend some days surrounded by Baroque, Neo-classical, or Art-Nouveau architecture.

We must admit that moving to the Netherlands has not been an easy choice: as most Italians, we are very attached to our home place and to our families!

Tell us about your trip to the Netherlands.

In August 2022 we were drinking beer in front of the sea, enjoying the summer and the hot weather, when Federico received a message from Mike from WEB, who saw his LinkedIn profile and was interested in discussing the possibility of him starting working here as a contractor for DAF, with the role of Simulation Engineer. Before that moment, we had never even imagined the possibility of leaving our country: we were not fully satisfied with our professional growth prospects, but it was only the beginning of our careers, and expectations for the future were high. Initially after reading the message, we were a bit dubious about possible outcomes, but then, when we discovered that the job content would have completely met Federico’s passions and expectations, the choice was straightforward: moving to Eindhoven and starting a new exciting experience together.

As with all the best decisions in life, this one was taken quickly: in October 2022 we arrived in Eindhoven, and not only did WEB help us find a very nice apartment, but they also supported us in settling in the city and in meeting a lot of people our age.

In December 2022, both of us became employees for WEB and today we cannot be more satisfied and happier about the decision we took that day on the beach: we love the city, we love the people being always very supporting and kind, we love our jobs… In short, we definitely love our new Dutch-life!

What is living in the Netherlands like?

Very different with respect to Italy and in a very positive way. Italy is a wonderful country, but when it comes to building a life with the person you love, there are few but very important things to focus on: safety, a good job-life balance and friendly people around. The Netherlands is giving us these things and much more: we miss our place, but we are completely aware that a place which welcomes foreign people so well, that allows us to feel at home and to get a stimulating and challenging job is very rare to find. We still do not know where future will take us, but for sure the idea of spending a big part of our lives here seems very tempting!

​What made you choose for WEB?

For both of us what is more compelling about our company is the great attention that everybody puts in making us, as employees, at the center of attention. The team gathers people always willing to listen to you, to help you whenever you have a problem and to give you great advices.

While remaining friendly, WEB team also had a very professional approach with us: since the beginning, they have stood alongside us through the evaluation of what our plans and desires for the future are and, at the end of the day, thanks to the team we had the great opportunity to find positions that perfectly suit us.

​What is your role in your current job?

Federico is a Simulation Engineer at DAF and part of “Concept Development” team. In this position, the main focus is on 1D engine simulations devoted to developing, together with the team, innovative solutions to achieve proper engine performances and contemporarily respecting the pollutant emissions legal limits.

Arianna works as a FEM Engineer (Finite Element Method) for VDL ETS and is part of Mechanical Simulation team. The role consists of analyzing vehicles components in order to verify the robustness of the design in terms of stresses and strains (both static and fatigue), high temperatures, vibrations and so on.

Tell us what you are most proud of?

Of each other, in first place. We are proud of us for having the courage to completely change our lives for the better and for being able to manage the difficulties related to relocation. This question forces us to talk about ourselves in the third person, which we know is pretty cringe but… hopefully you will forgive us for that!

Personally speaking, Arianna is very proud of Federico due to his honesty: he always manages to be completely himself, but always remaining extremely kind and polite. Federico on the other hand is proud of Arianna for being a curious person always willing to study new things, not always engineering-related.

Do you have any advice or tips for our readers about living in the Netherlands?

What is fantastic is that basically no advice is needed. This country is able to welcome foreign people so easily and naturally that, as an expat, you do not even have the time to think about relocation that you will find yourself with all your problems already solved. Public transportation is great, people of all ages speak perfect English, bureaucracy is straightforward and intuitive, restaurants, shops and bars are very nice and funny… Long story short, you only need to be brave enough to move and you will immediately find a new place to call “home”. The only advice for other Italians would be: try not to be prejudicial about Dutch cuisine, even the food here is very nice!

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